Social Responsibility

In addition to creating value for owners and investors with our financially successful projects, it is extremely important to us to consider the interests of other interest groups affected by our operations.

Our primary goal is to shape our strategy and operations in the coming years so that we consider the interests of our employees, those who buy real estate from us, our tenants, our subcontractors, the local communities, and the future generation.

Environmental protection, energy efficiency, and social responsibility are top priorities for Biggeorge Property. All our divisions strive for sustainable operation and development.

In the case of residential real estate developments that started after 2018, geothermal heating systems were built following renewable energy requirements, which have a much smaller ecological footprint than those burning traditional fossil energy carriers.

In addition, in residential buildings, LED lighting, the installation of smart meters, ceiling cooling and heating systems, thermal insulation, and the design of green roofs support the energy efficiency of buildings as additional advanced technical solutions. In the case of logistics and office buildings, we achieve a higher proportion of renewable energy by installing solar panels. The residential buildings with these technical solutions were awarded an AA+ energy classification, higher than the requirements and exceptionally high energy efficiency.

In addition, long-term environmental protection aspects have also appeared concerning noise protection, rainwater utilization, and the planning and design of green surfaces.

Sustainable cities and communities
Sustainable cities and communities
When choosing the location of the residential properties to build, we consider that affordable, accessible, and sustainable transport systems are available to the residents. During the design of our buildings, we help traffic with lockable bicycle and stroller storage and design barrier-free common areas. In the case of our residential real estate development projects financed by the Green Bond, the building with nearly zero energy requirements is listed as a legal requirement. The energy consumption of eligible projects developed by Biggeorge real estate investment funds is more than 10% lower than this threshold. In addition, all eligible projects use more than 25% renewable energy sources.
Health and well-being
Health and well-being
We help create a more liveable cityscape by landscaping the surroundings of the buildings and creating green roofs and internal gardens. We provide access to safe, inclusive public green spaces for small children, older people, and people with disabilities. While planning and constructing our high-quality buildings, we ensure a healthy life and promote well-being for all age groups. During our projects, we build without hazardous chemicals, and with our forward-looking technical solutions, we also reduce air, water, and soil pollution and, therefore, the number of related diseases.
Responsible consumption and production
Responsible consumption and production
During planning, in addition to the energetic characteristics of buildings, we also pay attention to their environment. We reduce the amount of waste generated during construction and keep SDG aspects related to waste management in mind by placing selective waste collectors. We strive to use as many recyclable or recycled materials as possible during our daily operational work. We pay attention when purchasing paper, and we also try to reduce the amount of office waste: In 2022, we installed water purification equipment, which was such a success among our colleagues that we reduced our PET bottle mineral water consumption to almost zero. Furthermore, we adapt our processes so that as many documents as possible are processed digitally, thus avoiding unnecessary printing.
Action against climate change
Action against climate change
Our primary objective is to protect the value of the developed and purchased buildings we manage and increase their value. As part of this, reducing the energy consumption of these buildings is also of prime importance. With renovations aimed at improving energy efficiency—including increasing the share of renewable energy and creating appropriate insulation—we contribute to reducing our carbon footprint.
Affordable and clean energy
Affordable and clean energy
In the field of renewable energy, 2022 was a huge step forward for us when the owners of our company founded 8G Energy Holding Zrt. as co-owners through Biggeorge Holding Kft., together with Energy Independence Zrt., which aims to provide complex solutions its clients, and in the future, it is expected to effectively support the activities of the Biggeorge Property Group in addition to other corporate and residential clients.
Fair work and economic growth
Fair work and economic growth
One of the most important keys to the continuous development of the BGP Group and the high level of service to our customers is the efficiency of our human resources. Our current and future success is based on our employees’ expertise, customer-oriented daily work, and positive human cooperation. We provide the employees of the Biggeorge Group with a performance-related income above the market level, up-to-date professional knowledge, the possibility of continuous development, and the stability of a market-leading company. We aim to develop internal processes that support entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation.
Gender equality
Gender equality
The BGP Group of Companies rejects any discrimination based on gender, age, disability, ethnic origin, race, religion, and sexual orientation and rejects all forms of discrimination in the workplace. The main goal of the Group is to ensure non-discrimination in the workplace and equal opportunities among employees, taking cultural and legal characteristics into account.
Reducing inequalities
Reducing inequalities
Biggeorge Holding aims to support those belonging to disadvantaged social and economic groups, regardless of age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic or another situation. To achieve this goal, in 2022, Biggeorge Holding and Tibor Nagygyörgy founded the organization Biggeorge Foundation for Opportunities (Biggeorge Alapítvány az Esélyekért), with initial assets of HUF 500 million. The foundation was established to support disadvantaged children and young people and provides financial assistance to foundations and associations dealing with them in education, talent management, healthcare, charity, social tasks, and family, child, and youth protection.
Biggeorge Foundation

Biggeorge Foundation for Opportunities

Tibor Nagygyörgy, is the founder and owner of the Biggeorge brand, co-owner, and CEO of Biggeorge Property Plc.

He established the foundation with a capital of HUF 500 million to provide financial support to disadvantaged children and young people living in disadvantaged situations and to the foundations supporting them.

Companies of the group and external supporters can also join the foundation.